Vila Boomerang se nalazi u mestu Potos, na blagom jugo istoku ostrva, na 45km od glavne luke i grada Limenas. Lociran u strogom centru Potosa,daje vam privilegiju da vam je sve na dohvat ruke.
Villa Boomerang is located in Potos, 45km from the main port and the town of Limenas. Located in the center of Potos, it gives you the privilege of having everything at your fingertips.
Serenity Villa se encuentra en Skala Potamia en el lado este de la isla de Thasos. Esta ciudad está a unos 15 km al este de la capital de Limenas. Se encuentra a unos 400 metros de la playa.
Serenity Villa is located in Skala Potamia on the eastern side of the island of Thassos. This city is about 15 km east of the capital of Limenas. It is located about 400m from the beach.
Vila Mary 1 se nalazi 150 metara od centra mesta Skala Sotiros i 200 metara od plaže.
Skala Sotiros je malo mestašce sa prelepom ribarskom lukom na zapadu ostrva Tasos, duž kojeg se prostiru prelepe i mirne plaže.